Presented by: Tina, Contact: tina.braganec@ukr.net 

Theater and film actor (Ukraine). 

Founder of the actor's film laboratory: #Kinolab_AK

Works as an acting coach according to the system of Michael Chekhov

From 2017 to the present - an actor at the Wild Theater

From 2014 to 2021 - an actor at the Live Theater.

From 2016 to 2019 - director at the Zhyvyi Theater.

In 2016, he was awarded a music award as the best hit-maker of the year according to the KISS-FM 10 Dance Awards.



Location — Ukraine




Gender: Male

Date of birth: April 18, 1982

Height: 183

Weight: 84

Body type: Normal

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Light brown/dark brown

National type: European, Slavic

Clothing size: 50-52 (М)

Shoe size: 42-43

External features: Tattoos

Voice timbre: Tenor

Expiration date of the passport: 2028

Driver's license: B

City of residence: Kyiv

Citizenship: Ukraine


Genre: comedy, drama, farce, lyrics, satire, tragedy

Work experience: since 2006


Sports: Basketball, Skiing, Athletics, Hand-to-hand combat, Football

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English

Dances: Modern

Musical instruments skills:

Driving skills: Bicycle, Car, Boat

Possession of weapons: Knife, Pistol, Sword/saber




2023 t/s Crystal Springs (Ukraine) :: role Denis :: director Maxim Mikheda :: STB

2023 t/s Plut-2 (Ukraine) :: Plut, lead role :: dir. Alexander Itygilov, Sfera films :: 2+2

2021 t/s Family and Justice (Ukraine) :: Major Folomeev :: dir. by Petro Stepin :: Filmstream 

2021 t/s The Rascal (Ukraine) :: Rascal, lead role :: dir. Valery Ibraimov, Sfera Film :: 2+2

2021 t/s The Mop :: Pereslavtsev :: dir. by Taras Dudar :: Mamas Film

2021 TV series Triangle of Fate :: role. Lekha :: dir. by Roman Barabash

2021 TV series Crystal Peaks :: tourist Hlib :: directed by Alyona Rayner

2021 TV series Owl-2

2021 TV series Trace-2 

2020 TV series Dog-6 (Ukraine) :: director  

2020 The Doctor's Oath (Ukraine) :: lover

2020 Leave without a call (Ukraine) ::

2020 Captive (Ukraine) :: dir. by Roman Barabash

2020 Vacation in the Pine Forest (Ukraine) :: role Police officer :: dir. by ..., Ivory Films  

2020 Change Coin (Ukraine) :: role Grandfather's bodyguard :: directed by. 

2020 Autopsy will show season 2 (ICTV) :: role Kravchuk :: directed by Igor Vyshnevsky, Mamas Film

2020 The Trail (Ukraine) :: the role of Bozhko :: directed by Sergey Krymsky, Space Production

2020 Challenge, 101 :: role Serhiy :: directed by Yevhen Doronin, Ivory 

2020 The Inheritance (Ukraine) 4 episodes :: role Instructor, dir. by Alexander Budyonny, Star Media 

2020 Raising Feelings (Ukraine) 4 episodes :: role Dima :: directed by Vladimir Kharchenko-Kulikovsky, Star Media

2020 Funny LoveE :: the role of Yasha :: directed by V. Butok :: Internet sketch comedy (YouTube channel Funny Love: www.youtube.com/FunnyLoveE)

2020 Outside the Window :: role Yasha :: directed by V. Butok :: The international series produced by Volodymyr Nahornyi was filmed in quarantine.

2020 Abnegation :: role Boris :: dir: TRC Ukraine

2020 Everyone has a lie :: role Commander of the Department of Security :: directed by Anatoly Mateshko

2020 The Owl :: role Daniel :: dir: TRC Ukraine

2020 Sworn friends :: role :: Stylish bearded man :: dir: ICTV

2020 Secret Doors :: role Kanevtsev :: Victoria Studio Films

2019 Brave :: role Boris :: dir. by V. Yakovenko, M. Gulenko :: Film Ua

2019 Dog 5 :: role. Bodyguard 1 :: dir. Mykola Kaptan :: Pro TV

2019 Vanishing traces :: role. Boris :: dir. by Sergey Tolkushkin :: Ivory Films

2019 Series "Volunteer" :: role Klim :: dir. Akhtem Seitablaev :: ICTV (with the support of UCF)

2019 Absolutely false story (Ukraine) :: ambush policeman :: dir. by Oleksandr Berezan

2019 A Girl in the Dark (Ukraine) :: Dir. Directed by Serhiy Bazhenov. Short movie. Horror genre :: Role Driver

2019 The Post Office (Ukraine) :: Vadim :: dir. M. Gulenko :: Film Ua

2019 The Carpathian Ranger (Ukraine) :: Igor :: dir. S. Krutin :: 2+2 (State Cinema)

2019 Blood Brothers (Ukraine) :: Krylov :: dir. by Oleg Maslennikov

2019 Someone Else's Sin (Ukraine) :: Clerk :: dir. A. Lisovets :: Mamas Production

2019 Hype (Ukraine, short) :: Vasya, producer (lead role) :: dir. by Viktor Butok (Link: https://youtu.be/XrMhcHLyh48)

2019 Dr. Baby (Ukraine) :: Anton (twins) :: dir. by Andriy Osmolovsky :: Film UA

2019 My Daughter's Mother (Ukraine) :: Olga's Lawyer :: dir. by Eva Strelnikova 

2019 Sworn friends (Ukraine) :: Stylish bearded man :: dir: Victoria Film Studios (Pro-Tv)

2019 On Your Side (Ukraine) :: The protagonist's bodyguard :: dir. by O. Kiriyenko, O. Zolotareva, O. Chernykh

2019 Papik (Ukraine) :: Club administrator :: dir. A.Yakovlev :: Quarter 95

2019 From love to hate (Ukraine) :: manager :: dir. by Roman Barabash

2019 Eva (Israel, Ukraine, f / f) :: soldier 3 :: dir. by Mati Kochavi

2019 Rechdok (Ukraine) :: criminalist Sushenko :: dir. by Khachatur Vasylyan 

2019 The Yurchyshyns (Ukraine) :: a pawnshop worker :: directed by Oleksandr Berezan

2019 Plantains (Ukraine) :: a seller in a sex shop :: dir. by Volodymyr Kharchenko-Kulykovsky

2018 Artist (Ukraine) :: Yegor :: dir. by Anatoliy Mateshko

2018 Sunny November (Ukraine) :: official 2 :: dir. by Oleksandr Itygilov

2018 Dog 4 (Ukraine) :: bodyguard, dir. by Mykola Kaptan :: PRO-TV

2018 Cop wars. Kharkiv :: Valenchuk :: dir. by Valery Rozhko

2018 Family Ties (Ukraine) :: an ambulance doctor :: dir. by Volodymyr Kharchenko-Kulikovsky  

2018 The Doctor on Call | The Doctor on Call (Ukraine, 5, 6, 7 season) :: Tymofiy Dmytrovych, Deputy Minister of Health :: dir. by Pavlo Mashchenko, Yulia Mishchenko

2018 Doctor Kovalchuk-2 | Doctor Kovalchuk-2 (Ukraine) :: Yasha :: dir. Vira Yakovenko, dir. Anton Hoyda

2018 Come out without a call (Ukraine) :: Bandit, dir. by Volodymyr Kharchenko-Kulikovsky

2017 According to the Laws of Wartime-2 (Ukraine) :: a loader

2017 The First Time You Say Goodbye (Ukraine) :: a guy-defender, dir: Film Stream Production

2017 Dog-3 (Ukraine) :: a guest :: dir. by Mykola Kaptan :: PRO-TV, Presumption of innocence | 14th episode

2017 Oper on Call (Ukraine) :: sniper :: directed by Taras Tkachenko

2017 To Love Forever (Ukraine) :: policeman :: directed by Igor Zabara, PRO-TV

2017 Ruby Ring | Ruby Wedding Ring (Ukraine) :: Kolyan :: dir. by Mila Pogrebiska, Front Cinema

2017 The Doctor on Call | The Doctor on Call (Ukraine, 3, 4, 5 season) :: Tymofiy Dmytrovych, Deputy Minister :: dir: FILM UA

2017 Choosing destiny (Ukraine) :: Policeman :: dir. by Anna Gres :: Film UA

2017 Eva's Second Life (Ukraine) :: Fashion model :: dir. by Oleksandr Itygilov, UPS

2017 Temptation (Ukraine) :: convoy :: dir. by Igor Zabara :: PRO-TV

2017 Window of Life (Ukraine) :: Artem :: dir. by Anatoly Grigoriev :: Film.ua

2017 Dr. Baby Dust (Ukraine) :: Kostya, the main role in the series :: dir. A. Onufriev

2017 The Counter Strike (Ukraine) :: Nikolai :: dir. V. Yakovenko :: 2+2, series "Courier"

2016 The Three (Ukraine, f / f) :: Bandit from the gang of the Big Guy :: dir. Ivan Kravchyshyn :: Catalog films

2016 On the Line of Life | Military Hospital (Ukraine) :: Leonidov :: dir. by Anton Hoyda :: TV channel "Ukraine", Fresh Production

2016 Triple defense :: The Leader :: dir. by A. Mateshko :: Ukraina TV channel, Fresh Production

2016 The Hostess (Ukraine) :: orderly :: dir: 1+1 Production

2015 Citizen Nobody :: vocalist of the band :: directed by Volodymyr Yankovskyi, UPS 

2015 Mentor Wars (Ukraine) :: bartender :: directed by S. Umanets :: 1+1 Production

2015 Volodymyrska 15 (Ukraine) :: bartender :: dir. by V.Rozhko, O.Turansky :: Film.ua

2015 Department 44 (Ukraine) :: bartender :: dir. by V.Dyachenko, V.Doshchuk, A.Stepanenko

2015 Cool Shoe (Ukraine) :: DJ :: dir. by A.Berezan

2015 Sleep Territory :: Head of security :: dir. by O.Strelnikova

2015 Central Hospital (Ukraine) :: a creditor :: dir. by V.Yakovenko, V.Melnikova :: 1+1 production


Wild Theater (Kyiv)

Н. Astasyeva-Blok "Woman, sit down" :: the main role, Sanya :: directed by Max Golenko

Natalia Vorozhbyt "Galka Motalko" :: the role of coach Borzov :: directed by Anna Aleksandrovych 

"Live Theater" (Kyiv)

George Gordon Byron's Cain :: the title role, Cain :: dir. by R. Hryshko

Lesya Ukrainka "On the Field of Blood" :: lead role, Pilgrim :: directed by R. Hryshko

Taras Shevchenko "Haydamaky" :: Honta :: dir. A. Okhrytskyi

"The Great Dictator", based on B. Brecht "The career of Arturo Ui, which could not have been" :: dir: Ernesto Roma :: dir. by A.Ohritsky

N.V. Gogol "The Inspector" :: Gorodnichiy :: dir. A. Kolpashchikova

Taras Shevchenko "Nazar Stodolya" :: Hnat :: dir. by Y. Babchenko

Ayn Rand "The Night of January 16th" :: Whitfield :: directed by K. Chepura :: staged by "Honest Theater" 

International festivals with Taras Shevchenko's play "The Haidamaks", directed by A. Okhrytskyi, the role of Honta (2012):

Ternopil Academic Theater named after Taras Shevchenko. 12th All-Ukrainian Festival "Theater Evenings Debut". 

XII Theater Festival of the International Black Sea Club "Homo Ludens" ("The Man Who Plays / The Person Who Plays") dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko's birth in Mykolaiv.


V.Vynnychenko "Between two forces" :: father Nikita Slipchenko

F.Dostoevsky "The Idiot" :: father Totsky

M.Roshchyn "Husband and wife rent a room" :: Alexei Alexey

S.Stratiev "Bus" :: Vin

N.Nezhdana "The Eleventh Commandment or the Night of the Jesters / The Eleventh Commandment or the Night of the Jesters" :: He Shudrya, Dilda

V.Gubarev "Brides of Chernobyl / Brides of Chernobyl" :: He: Chernobyl named April

V.Vynnychenko "The White Bear and the Black Panther" :: Moulin Moulin

Marcel Bercier-Marinier "Dearly beloved" :: Marcel Bercier-Marinier :: Dominique

2019 Nothing extra (theatrical performance with photo art) :: Smichkomaster


2020 Blind (STB) :: role Andriy :: directed by Elizaveta Khomenko, Space Production

2020 Rechdok (Inter) 4 episodes :: role The Commissioner Sloboda :: dir. by Maksym Zubchenko

2019 Social video on gender equality against violence

Sound producer, Dj, booking manager. 

He has been working in music show business under the name "Andrew Rai" since 2009. He releases his original tracks on world famous labels. 

In 2016, he was awarded a music award as the hit-maker of the year in Ukraine according to the KISS-FM 10 Dance Awards. 

He is a frequent guest on various Ukrainian TV channels.

Voice over

The Ransom of Red Chief, a humorous short story by American writer O. Henry, was translated into Ukrainian.